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12 Days of Christmas! - Have a Feeling Holiday Season! - Day 10

Welcome to Day 10 of 12 Days of Christmas!

The holidays can be a tough time mentally for anyone. With the pandemic ongoing, some of us may have experienced tough challenges. We've decided to create a series of activities for everyone in the family to keep us emotionally balanced! Feel free to create your own twist or add to the activity!

Day 10: Have your child give you the ‘weather report’ on how they’re feeling, “I’m dark and cloudy with some raindrop tears coming out” or "I'm as bright and warm as the sun!"

Emotional processing is a challenging task for anyone, no matter their age. As adults, we sometimes find that we a not

equipped to emotionally process a situation like losing a loved one or facing the aftermath of a traumatic accident. Some of us lean on our friends and family, and others seek out therapists to make sense of what has happened.

In the same way, expecting our children to always be on their best behaviour and tantrum-free is unrealistic and simply unfair. Children are not tiny adults, even if they may seem older than they are. You may think it's tricky enough to be a parent, but it is also essential to know that we play a crucial role in our child's ability to persevere when the going gets tough. Researchers have found that when parents emotionally "coach" their children, they adapt to challenging circumstances much more readily.

Emotional intelligence is defined as the ability to recognise emotion, identify and name an emotion, and manage emotions in a way that is adaptative and rooted in empathy for others. Emotional intelligence is something that is learned over time.

If you would like to speak to a qualified Play therapist to learn how your child could benefit from play therapy, click here to schedule a complimentary consultation today or take our quiz!

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