At this time last year, you were probably getting your family ready for an annual holiday in Europe. Last minute shopping for winter clothes and things. This year looks very different for all of us. As airlines remain grounded until a vaccine is developed. Your little one may be feeling the difference too!
But it is not all doom and gloom! Neuroscience evidence shows us that play triggers the brain to release happy hormones such as Endorphin and Oxytocin. These hormones foster feelings of emotional health and connection, supporting relationships. It tends to reduce aggressiveness and anxiety, brings on a calmer mood, and encourages openness to learn, and produces an overall better sense of well-being.
We’ve come up with some activities with our very qualified play therapist that you can do at home with your little ones to beat those travel blues and get those happy hormones going!
1. Buy or rent a paddling pool, throw some float, water guns, rubber toys
2. Hunt for Treasure! Hide “treasure” all over your home and devise clever clues to bring your treasure-hunters closer or farther away from the cache.
3. Cook, cook, cook! It’s a perfect time to spread your love for food and nutrition.
4. Try a new cuisine. Be adventurous, get out of your comfort zone. Instead of having Chinese try something you have not tasted before like Greek, Persian, German, Peruvian food! Singapore is known for its diverse culinary experiences after all!
5. Throwing a pizza and board game party night on the living room floor or declaring an all-day "Dress up day"
If you would like to speak to a qualified Play therapist to learn how your child could benefit from play therapy, click here to schedule a complimentary consultation today or take our quiz!